Whenever they give you a
book to read in school you know there will be more to the book than just the
story in front of you. You know they are trying make you understand that there
can be story below the story. Sometimes
it works and children can make out the shape of that meaning the way one person
points at a cloud and asks if you see the same shape they do. Maybe you can
make out the figure in the clouds but its only a shape and a shadow and soon
will shift away and be forgotten.
For a person to truly get
that moment of intimate understanding, it is necessary for that person to have
at least some understanding of what that vague shape could look like in real
It would be like me
pointing to a cloud and saying. “See it looks just like a Giraffe.” And you saying,
“I have never seen a giraffe.” Then I would have to explain what a giraffe
looks like and you would nod and say that you see exactly what I see if only to
get me to shut up.
When I first read the Old
Man and the Sea I was a sophomore in
high school. How could I know why that
story was so special? How could I
understand what Hemingway was trying to say till I had at least glimpsed that
great shadow of a fish he was trying to show me.
I am sure anyone reading
this will know already that the story is about writing but I just had my first
moment with the dead drunk legend and I wanted to share it. If you were a
writer and you did not know this then you may steal this moment and this
narrative to save you from feeling the idiot the next time someone mentions
Hemingway’s greatness and you have nothing to add to the conversation.
The story is so simple, the
characters number three if you include the fish but the narrative is strong and
the current it takes us on is stronger.
I will not bother with a
synopsis of the story but it is simply about an old fisherman who goes to far
out to find his catch. He hooks a big idea, he hooks the biggest idea and he is
so far out and alone and he must wrestle this story alone in the ocean of his
mind. There is no one to help him, land is out of sight and now the story drags
him as he hangs on for the life of both him and story.
The Old man must use every
trick he has learned to work the idea up and up into something he can even see. There are day’s on end of being dragged out
further, the body and mind cramping as he holds fast, the old man slowly
subduing the massive fish through force of will and diligence.
You make it back home in
the night and leave the mangled fish you loved there on the beach, crawling to
your bed with torn back and bleeding hands. In the morning they will
see what you had, they will know what a great fish it was but there will be no
meat to sell and you will buy your coffee on credit.
Only when you have gone
that far out can you even see the outline of what Hemingway is talking about.
Its not that you have to have completed this epic journey to understand what he
means but you have to at least have been far enough out to know there was
danger and to feel that loneliness. To understand that the best you can hope
for after you broken yourself bringing this story to life is that the people
who see it will know how big it was from tip to tail. Maybe they will get the
scale of the beautiful thing you subdued but that will be it, they will never
taste it and they will never see it full of color and alive they way you did. If you are lucky there will be the boy, or
someone who understands and you will miss them too because you are too far out.
This is what I knew to be
the truth of this story. This is the prize that any writer who has ever
taken a boat out that far hopes to come home with, the hope that someday, even
after you are long dead, that someone will understand what you saw and in the
fullness of how you saw it.
I am sure there are lots
details that I do not fully understand, the lions on the beach, the birds,
the boy and what they all mean. I am sure there is a English professor
somewhere who can fill me in.
Hemingway always struck me as a ego maniac who spent his life building a
swashbuckling façade, but I appreciate him for this and I was glad I got see
his great fish.
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